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About company 4sales
Our company is professionally engaged in rpojecting and development of store design,branding, merchandising, we sell trade equipment and POS materials.
We create successful stores, which bring profit to their owners.

Company «4sales» —
experts in storebuilding and merchandising
Why our customer choose us
We help to sell more
Shop - it is first of all a commercial object.
Its main task - to sell and to sell the lot.
All our ideas are aimed to achieve this fundamental objective in the development of the store design concept.
Sales and sales growth - it is important for us.

We do not just make it beautiful,
we create stores that
trade successfully
Get 60% of successful store
12 basic indicators that make the store a success:
Of the 12 with us you will get 7 or 60% success rate!
Brand recognizability
Location of a store
The range of goods that are in demand
Commodity stock management
Correct zoninfg of a trade area
Noticeable and attractive facade of a store
Shopping stimulating interior of a store
Advertising and trade marketing
Effective merchandising
Trade equipment
POS materials
We work with full responsibility
The opening of the store - is a big investment and the expenses for the owner. We understand and treat with the responsibility to projecting and design solutions which offer the customer - they should really be feasible, but not fantastic!
The main thing - to create a design concept, which is guaranteed to sell "in life" and the design concept on paper would meet the internal and external store view in real.
We support the work on repairing store up before its opening, which will take into account all things and not to miss many important detail that arise in the course of repair or construction. After all, the possible defects and errors
in project design - are a great loss.
We have worked with the budgets form 5 000 up to 500 000 USD for store design conception realisation- it is a great responsibility.
Our customers trust us
We have performed hundreds of successful projects in different fields of trade.
We always have new and fresh ideas. We are always up to date with global trends in trade, storebuilding, design, merchandising, marketing. Therefore, among our clients there are pharmacy chains, drogerie, supermarkets and grocery stores, super- and hypermarkets of household appliances
and electronics, clothes, books and newspapers, shopping malls.

Сеть продуктовых магазинов г. Тбилиси Грузия

Парфюмерный магазин г. Тбилиси Грузия

Канцелярский магазин г. Тбилиси Грузия

Сеть продуктовых магазинов г. Зугдиди Грузия

Сеть электроники и бытовой техники г. Тбилиси, г. Батуми Грузия

Аптечная сеть Грузия

Аптечная сеть г. Тбилиси Грузия

Сеть электроники и бытовой техники г. Тбилиси, Грузия

Сеть продуктовых магазинов Грузия

Магазин одежды г. Тбилиси, Грузия

Завод керамической плитки г. Шымкент, Казахстан

Сеть электроники и бытовой техники. г. Тбилиси Грузия.

Сеть продуктовых магазинов г. Шымкент, Казахстан

Оптово розничный рынок г. Тбилиси Грузия

Сеть продуктовых магазинов г. Тбилиси Грузия

Аптечная сеть Грузия

Сеть электроники и бытовой техники г. Тбилиси Грузия

Магазин прессы и канцелярии г. Тбилиси Грузия

Магазин футбольного клуба г. Тбилиси Грузия

Дроггер г. Тбилиси, Грузия

Дроггер г. Шымкент, Казахстан

Книжный магазин и кафе г. Тбилиси, Грузия

Сеть электроники и бытовой техники. г. Тбилиси, г. Батуми, г. Кутаиси Грузия.

Магазин одежды г. Тбилиси, Грузия
Our team - professionals with unique skills
which simultaneously have the knowledge in projecting, design, architecture, marketing, merchandising and contructing.
In addition, we understand in trade equipment, lighting,
construction and promotional materials, advertising structures, air conditioning, in the construction works; We know how to effectively present goods.
Our experience allows us to carry out projects of any complexity in different business areas.